Penning Coral Sea Scrolls

I'M going to write another book. I've been thinking about it very seriously.
Well, almost very seriously . . . close to seriously . . . OK, a fleeting thought. My last effort, which made JK steam-Rowling's literary acrobatics look like a bachelor's shopping list, made $8000 for local charities and is in libraries all over the world. Fair dinkum, libraries from the Aitkenvale Library to, to, to . . . um . . . well the wheelie bin out the back. There's even one in the Louvre! Ok, I misread it, the loo at my place. I'm running quickly out of funds as I sponsor smaller charities which are often overlooked, but are just as important. Like a wheel-a-thon at St Joey's for a school's Chinese garden and more, even a couple of doggies from Delta Dogs (I owe you for this year fellas, so bark at your master and come and pick it up). Probably end up as the Coral Sea Scrolls. It may be a book on tropical hints like strips of cloth dipped in the sports fix-ya-back stuff `Deep Heat' to ward off fruit bats, or Bay leaves in the cupboards for cockroaches or Pricey's Bully page for the bottom of the cockatiels cage . . . NOT YET, I'm Not Finished. So any uniquely tropical life saving ideas, let me know. And I'm not sure about the Bay leaves unless the `cookroaches' are making casseroles.
1RAR anniversary
WELL done to Bruce Harmer and the Salvos for the wonderful Easter service on Castle Hill. Some of my hill walker mates were there and said it was the most spiritual they'd been to. And the army Sally Man was there too. Good stuff. Speaking of the army, the 15th anniversary of Operation Solace is coming up for the Big Blue one, 1RAR. It's on April 3-5 and any ex-1RAR digger that would like to join the party, send an email. Hang on, with the cutbacks, how's your morse code? (4771 1416).
Is Nibbles a he?
HAVE a look at Nibbles the dinosaur. Now I know it was in the paper recently but he's worth another mention. I wonder if he is a he? Or is he a she? Well if it's hard to tell, no wonder the poor things are extinct. In some ways that's good, imagine the headlights hitting this as you drove through Brandon. Not too good for the bull bar, in fact the Sunlander would come out second best. Let's hope no vandals hurt poor Nibbles. The amount of `creation' work that the great team at MTQ, Phillip and his Dino-sawers have done is fantastic.
Fingerling lesson
G'DAY to the kids from Bowen State High who now have 400 barra fingerlings to look after, thanks to the Bowen Fishing Classic. One of the kids called to tell me that the fingerlings are being well looked after, and will soon be leglings. Soon after that, tummylings.
Heavenly hour
EARTH hour coming up tomorrow, where we turn off our lights for an hour. It's to help with global warming, as in cool it down, not warm it up, I think. Otherwise the Sunferries skippers will be on the lookout for bits of Antarctica. It's a great idea, like my Star Night of last year _ same thought, but mine was only to see the stars. One to save the world, the other simply to star gaze. Imagine if all lights could be switched off for 15 minutes, all those stars and heavenly bodies. `Heavenly bodies?' Oh beam me up, Scotty.
Copping it sweet
YOU can't take compliments without coppin' a bit the other way, and I've certainly done that over the last few days in our letters to the editor section. A wonderful forum for your thoughts, and we in the media love it, even if we cop a serve. That's what its all about. Thank you Lesley and Tracey, we will certainly try harder. I get a little hurt, that's just me, but as my special friend said, one or two swallows arriving doesn't mean its summer. One or two green frogs doesn't mean the Wet, or one or two green ants doesn't mean a bitten bum, or one or two politicians doesn't mean an election, or one or two kisses doesn't mean . . . might leave it there. You can never please everybody. No wonder I couldn't be a politician. A day without laughter is a day wasted. Love us or otherwise. Happy days!
Etiketler: If you had visited Coral Castle 60 years ago, Penning Coral Sea Scrolls, you would have been greeted enthusiastically by a man weighing a mere 100 pounds and standing just over 5 feet
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